Just Insane

Raising the silver cutlery to her mouth, Milan stopped halfway when her phone beeped. She had just received a message.

It read: "feel better now? Do you wanna talk about it?"

Without checking the ID, she could tell who it was from. Her newly discovered frenemy, Judy.

She scoffed and kept eating.

Do you wanna talk about it? So you can mock me huh, she thought.

She hadn't thought of how the confrontation would go and she didn't care. She never imagined having a confrontation over her best friend's apparent betrayal.

Her heart still hurt, no matter how she tried to pretend or tough it out.

She didn't want to handle it right now, "another day" she told herself.

She was tired of eating, her stomach wasn't empty anymore so she had no reason to force herself to continue.

Taking the napkin and wiping her mouth, she pushed her chair out and got up.

The butler had a worried Expression his face but said nothing.

Milan was back in bed in no time.

Little droplets of rain hit the window gently, increasing in intensity as the rain and wind got stronger.

The repetitive sound soon turned into a sweet lullaby for Milan, and she drifted into her world of dreams.


Judy's Pov

Why hasn't she replied? I bit my index fingernail.

Is she sleeping? Or did she Catch wind of things?

No way! She couldn't, not now at least.

I was about putting my phone down when a message came in.

The ID flashed in my screen, and my heart sank instantly.


What the hell did he want?

It couldn't be anything good, so I placed the phone on the table.

The phone started vibrating, a call apparently.

The caller ID was the same as the one who sent the message.

What the hell?

I groaned, sighed and answered the call.

"Are you ignoring me?" Came his voice.

Didn't he JUST send the fucking text?


"Why haven't you replied to my text"


" Reply" the line went dead

What the Hell, what the hell.....

I opened the message and was met with:



"What do you want?"

"To see you again"


"I'm busy tomorrow and forever. No thanks"

Like I'd willingly go to see someone who set up their cousin for rape? Yeah right.

"I'll send you the address, come by 6pm"

Is he not even reading what I'm typing??!

"I'm not coming"

"Hmmm..... Since you'll be busy, don't be later than 6:30pm, wrap up your engagements quickly"

Is he blind???

"Jaeyoon, No, bye"

Before he could reply, I switched off my phone.

I grabbed my hair and tugged at it to relieve some of my stress.

After some minutes, I rubbed my face and went to have a bath.

The rain outside began falling heavily..... The perfect weather for a good sleep.

After my bath, I wore a silk night dress. And stared at my reflection in my acrylic mirror.

"I am better than Milan" I whispered and smiled at my reflection.

"Always have been"

Laying in my sheets, I drifted off to sleep.

Enjoying the sound of the rain.


He kept smiling at the text. Re-reading it over and over again.

"Jaeyoon, No, bye" he repeated.

He tried calling when she sent the message but her phone was switched off.

She really was entertaining.

"You keep smiling at your phone, don't tell me you're a gone man now" a female voice spoke before Jaeyoon.

He didn't respond or acknowledge her presence, he was familiar with her and he didn't care.

The lady frowned and walked closer.

Sitting beside Jaeyoon, she rubbed his arm and smiled.

He didn't budge for a second.

He kept smiling at his phone.

After some seconds, he put it down and smiled to himself.

She felt a wave of jealousy engulf her.

"Who was he talking to that made him ignore me?" She wondered hatefully.

"Got a new kitty to play with?" She asked him.

"Something like that..... This one's more of a tiger though" he said and smiled more.

He pushed her hand away and got up to get a drink.

She didn't like how he was talking about her in bits. She was annoyed.

Hissing, she got up to leave.

Expecting him to ask her where she was going? She turned back at the door but he wasn't even paying attention to her, so she stormed off.

After she was gone, he looked up and spoke, "good riddance"

He couldn't wait for 6:30 tomorrow. He knew there was more entertainment on the way.

Judith..... Hmmmmm.

A feisty one she is, he thought.

Jaeyoon was a successful businessman in his ventures.

Were the business ventures legal? No.

But was he good at his business? Yes.

He had a front, a cover for his illegal dealings.

On the surface, he owned an interior design company. A company that was linked to the biggest construction companies, biggest real estate agencies and biggest home equipment suppliers.

How was a private interior design business, owned by an unknown person linked to such big scale companies?

His other business venture.....

Apparently, Jaeyoon was a big supplier of drugs.

In that world, he was the guy that your supplier got their supplies from.

The supplier's supplier, they often called him.

He had been in the "game" for years and hadn't been placed on a watchlist by the police.

Why? Because He spent according to his earning from his interior design company, J-terior.

He didn't spend lavishly and he kept his transactions clean enough.

He has no slush fund accounts in his name or linked to him either, so the police saw him as a normal law-abiding citizen.

Only those close to him knew how dark his heart and mind really were.