Slightly skipping work

"I'm home" Bebe announced to her cousin, who was working in his study.

"welcome back, where's Kai?" Zeke asked.

Bebe shrugged, "I'm tired right now, so I'll talk to you in the morning".

Zeke rose his eyebrow. He wondered what may have happened to them that made his ever-so-sweet cousin shrug her shoulders.

He chuckled after Bebe left, "oh Kai, I wonder what you'll do now".


Kai drove extremely slowly, unintentionally.

His thoughts were all over the place as he couldn't understand why Bebe was acting weird.

*Honk Honk*

A car behind him was making use of their car horn in the most annoying way.

Kai didn't notice that he was the cause of the annoying sound until the car found another route and drove beside Kai's car.

"FUCKING IDIOT!! Get off the fucking road if you can't drive. Why are you blocking the road. Stupid bastard! Go and die!!!!" The man in the other car screamed as he drove past.

Kai's neck turned to the back and he saw just how many cars were being held up by him.

"Shit" he stepped on the acclerator and sped up.


Kai arrived at Zeke's mansion quickly walked in.

He stopped by Zeke's study and looked around without speaking.

In the blink of an eye, Kai was gone.

Zeke sighed, "what am I? Invisible?".

Kai walked straight to Bebe's room and knocked.

There was no response. Was she asleep?

He knew that she probably didn't want to see him and would pretend to be asleep even if she wasn't.

What he didn't understand was why.

He sighed heavily and took out a small box from his pocket.

Opening it, he took out a white thin tube and a lighter.

He placed the tube in his mouth and lit the bottom end with the lighter .

He took a big puff from it and took out the tube from his mouth.

He blew out an ash coloured smoke and sighed once more.

Kai wasn't a heavy smoker, he just puffed a little bit when he was tensed and sometimes overwhelmed.

And right now, he was tensed.

He stood outside Bebe's door, not knocking and not moving.

He took another big whiff of the cigarette.

He didn't need more than that, so he used an ash tray nearby to place it down.

After what seemed like a long time, he began to walk away from her room.

He walked in the opposite direction that he came in.

And with that, he left.


The next morning,

Bentlee woke up with a splitting headache.

"Ughhh what the hell?! I didn't even drink that much" she held her head and slightly tugged at her hair to alleviate some of the pain she felt.

She couldn't remember what happened last night.

She looked at her outfit and thanked the heavens that she didn't throw up.

She was wearing what she wore last night with the exception of her jacket.

Looking to her right, she saw a sticky note on a bowl.

It read : " Drink this for the hangover... P.s No more drinking dates for you. Love you<3 DxE"

Bentlee smiled at the note and took the bowl. It was covered but very warm.

"They didn't leave long ago" Bentlee murmured with a smile.

She opened it up and drank it completely.

After drinking it, she sighed and relaxed Before she checked the time.

Her eyes bulged out of their sockets.

"7:58" the clock said.


There was no way she could show up to work this late.

After deciding not to go to work, she suddenly remembered something.

She has a meeting with Stefani, Mr. Earl and Maxwell.


Stupid Lee! Why did you drink the day before, she whined and kicked her feet like a spoilt brat.

Should I call in sick? She pondered.

No way, they'll replace me in a heartbeat.

Okay, I'll go just for the meeting and completely avoid my floor.

Yes! I'll avoid that ogre.

As she made the decision, she realized just how risky it was.

What if someone from her floor saw her and told Mr Richard. She wouldn't hear the end of it in this lifetime.

But..... A lot of them minded their business, they wouldn't say anything..... She hoped.

She ran to her room and had a quick quick shower.

Bentlee was dressed up so fast that she didn't believe it was her moving at that speed.

The meeting was a casual one, not one that required her to be dressed perfectly.

She picked a short navy blue dress.

It hugged her curves and fit properly.

The dress stopped just below her knee with a front slit that showed a bit of the skin above her knee.

She looked great.

She grabbed her back and placed all the things she would need for the meeting and literally ran out of her house.


Bentlee arrived at work sweating profusely.

She took out a baby pink handkerchief and wiped her face.

Boy was she glad she didn't use any make up today... She would've unintentionally wiped it off completely.

She hurried to the back of the building and entered through the staircase.

She ran past her floor like her life depended on it and headed towards the office two floors above the floor she worked on.

Bentlee walked into the spacious meeting room and was greeted by the unexpected presence of Stefani and Mr. Earl.

Apparently, Maxwell hadn't arrived yet.

Well, it wasn't like he was late or anything.

Soon after, he entered into the room with a call smile on his face.

"Shall we begin" Stefani said. It was a statement and not a question.

Meaning we had no say whatsoever.

We all nodded our heads like preschoolers answering their teacher.