Kamran reached the two-story house and was welcomed by Abdullah's family with open arms. After eating dinner the family sat down in the living room to console and talk to Kamran. Abdullah started:
Abdullah: Now tell us Kamran what happened there? and how did all this happen?
Kamran: Everything was normal there, but in the past few months dad's business began to sink and he became anxious and depressed day by day, but he always told me about you and said that if anything happened to him. I shall contact you. that night he was so depressed so mom took her to a party to make him feel better but on the way back they had a horrible accident and they died on the spot. (then he started sobbing)
Kashif: I am so sorry (he consoled) but I want you to know that we will always be with you like a family. (the others nodded)
Just a month passed, and things were getting normal then an incident happened. Abdullah went to a business party along with his wife and a fire broke out. Most of the people survived but unfortunately, Abdullah and his wife couldn't survive the fire. When Kashif and Kamran found out they were heartbroken and they make a promise to each other that they will be friends forever they will live together and also die together. After this promise, they became inseparable brothers.