Kamran's dream

The previous chapter was very short, but since I am not getting the review I wanted from my viewers, I have decided to make Chapters short just like the previous one, as a punishment. So let's continue the story

Kamran stayed awake all night and when everyone came to the breakfast table, Kashif was feeling much better so he joined them. Seeing Kamran exhausted he said:

Kashif: What happened Kamran you are looking exhausted, haven't you slept at night?

Kamran: Nothing! I had a horrible dream last night that's why

Kashif: What dream? what did you see?

Kamran: I saw that you betrayed me and told me that you have betrayed many more people just like me and you left me. After this dream, I was unable to sleep

Kashif: I will never betray you or any other person and besides you are a brother to me. Get out of it and believe me

Believe in friends

Believe in our friendship

Kamran: Ok! if you say so