Chapter 22; I'm on diet and so does Mu Zhen...

"Mr, do I know you?" Her eyes sparkled innocently while her tiny mouth pouted.

"Ye Mei, stop pretending! What are you doing here?" Mu Zhong was annoyed looking like an idiot in front of everyone, yes she could pester him most of the time but that's when no family members could see her, she could sneak in and out without anyone seeing her.

"Why, why... why are you shouting at me? I don't know you.." she mumbled as her doe eyes watered.

"All right, don't cry.." Mu Zhen drew her to the chair next to him, sitting there meant she was the next matriarch and Ye Mei didn't think twice before settling down on that chair slouching lazily.

The other family members frowned but couldn't do anything nor question their Master.