Chapter 53; Pause it there..

Using her jade eyes she could see the monster as it had a transparent body, and its speed was amazing.

"Xiao Mei.." Wei Tang called her in panic but only his voice echoed over the ocean.

"Xiao Mei... Where are you?" He called her out again loudly but couldn't hear any response apart from his echoing voice, he no longer could see the waves that were earlier moving towards their direction.

His eyes roamed around but couldn't see anything nor trace her whereabouts, it was also dark, his eyes watered, and didn't know where to proceed to.

" I'm sorry Chief..." the teenage boy apologized thinking that if he wasn't the one burdening him, he would have assisted his sister through this storm.

"Not your fault.." he muttered coarsely as he swam forward, he couldn't go back as he couldn't trace his way and couldn't let his sister's effort go down the drain.