Chapter 72; All right.. Good night...

"Mei Mei.." Mu Zhen walked over, he had felt the sudden change in her aura, which had a strong killing intent, he was certain she was capable of that at any minute.

"Yes Uncle.." she turned around smiling sweetly as she retracted her powers and her eyes turned warm and adoring.

"What are you doing here?" he inquired gazing at Mu Zhong who seemed to have been close to death, when Mu Zhong felt the pressure that was mounting on his back had faded away, he madly rushed away without gazing at her.

This new Ye Mei wasn't easy to deal with and more so now they seemed to be on different levels.

"Oohh, I'm working out.." she mumbled shyly as her eyes sparkled out innocently, if he hadn't seen her earlier on, he would have thought how cute she was but deep down this facade was laced with a ruthless being.

"How can people work out in this thing you are wearing? All right go and rest.." he walked over as he wanted to exercise and try to calm himself.