Chapter 76; Good morning Master Mu

She walked over to the window and gazed downwards, nothing she could see.

She walked away and hunched lightly feeling pain as she had gotten punched by the other masked man on her shoulder.

"Ye Mei.." Wei Tang alighted the elevator seeing his sister bent down hunched at an angle.

"Wei Tang.." she lightly mumbled straightening her back before facing him, "why did you get up?" she inquired as she turned around over to the front and noticed the small envelope.

"I just got worried, what happened?" he approached her seeing her cut sleeve.

"There were three men on this floor and I don't know what they could possibly be doing here.." she walked over and picked up the little envelope and opened it.

Inside it, contained, was just a small piece of paper with different letters codes which would only be deciphered by two individuals who knew the way as it was their communication method and they had the code book.