Chapter 82; Rushed away?

There were more than a thousand students for Junior high classes and Senior High classes.

"Fight for justice.. /"

"Fight for justice... /"

The new anthem echoed as more students joined them and began destroying the school's properties.

The Principal and the Director rushed out of their offices to see the kind of commotion the students were creating and know what had transpired.

"Hong Dong must go.."

"Hong Dong must go.."

"We need justice.."

They sang the principal's name and they ran around creating a huge commotion as more and more students joined, it also had its own university but in another own compound.

"Hong Dong is a murderer.."

"Hong Dong is a rapist.."

They sang as they got more violent, the Director and the Principal rushed back into their offices seeing how mad and wild the students have gotten.

"Hihihihi.." she giggled and using her jade eyes, she scanned through the buildings and noticed the totally empty one.