Chapter 94; What do you think Wei Tang?

Was this some kind of coincidence or it was planned? Or was each individual manipulating the loopholes?

He had just motioned his thoughts when Mu Zhen's mobile phone rang, he turned the display screen as it was facing the desk top and gazed at it seeing it was the chairman calling.

"Mr. Hong Tong, you better be having something important to say to me.." Mu Zhen's voice turned chilly and threatening upon receiving that phone call.

"Were you the one? Mu Zhen was it you who did that?" an angry voice sounded from the other end and Mu Zhen drew the phone away from his ear because of that loud bellowing voice.

"What are you talking about Hong Tong? You better have facts!" Mu Zhen's face wrinkled up as he sat up straightening his back.

"Mu Zhen, I will get back everything.." that angry voice harrumphed before he hung up and before they could breathe, there was a sudden stormy breaking news.