Chapter 102; I love you as a man..

" I don't need you to take care of me... I'm capable of taking care of myself... " Mu Zhen was already feeling irritated and those words hit him brutally.

"Idiot.." Wei Tang was infuriated and didn't have time to bicker with him, he roughly shoved him away as Mu Zhen stumbled back almost falling, he hadn't anticipated that one day Wei Tang would treat him like this.

As Wei Tang turned around to search for the secret passage, Mu Zhen suddenly punched Wei Tang on the shoulders, he didn't like being treated like this, he felt inferior and now that his emotions were riled up, he lost his cool.

Wei Tang was caught off guard and he stumbled backward before stabilizing his footing and brutally punching him in the face bruising him, and just like that, a fight broke out.

Two big men were fighting while each calculated.