Chapter 126; No, I don't want to...

"Ye Mei? Who told you that I want that kind of dirty money? Do you know how they accumulate the wealth they use in gambling? How can you be this stupid?" his voice didn't tone down but rather got harsher.

"Hey, you have no right to berate her like that, if it wasn't for the company, she wouldn't have traveled so far to get money, she wouldn't have gambled just to earn money for the company to stabilize... Do you think she is doing for her selfish act?" Wei Tang stood in front of her shielding her.

" Ye Mei, I never thought you could do this stupid act, was it Wei Tang the reason? Do you love him? " he finally queried what has been eating him up.

" Stupid!" Wei Tang attacked him after hearing that last sentence, how can he think of her like that?

He threw his punch but Mu Zhen dodged as bent over and dislocated his left arm.

" Aarrg... " Wei Tang groaned loudly, he hadn't expected Mu Zhen to be so flexible.