Chapter 133; You are so sweet...

"All right, let's go to the company, we will have a meeting there with other executives..." She stood up and walked over to the TV stand, underneath, there was a drawer, she opened it and, got a car key.

She strode out of the mansion and went down to the parking lot, she boarded the new Maybach and drove away to the company in accompaniment of the guards.

Old Master Mu went upstairs to check on Mu Zhen, he tested his temperature first and it was normal, his breathing was stable too.

He settled down on the couch watching some news channel on the television while keeping watch of Mu Zhen.

In twenty minutes' time, Ye Mei arrived at the Mu Conglomerate building and parked the car at the parking lot before alighting and striding over into the building.

She walked through to the reception, others had arrived and others hadn't, and others weren't looking neat.