Chapter 142; Boss, you are back...

"All right Xiao Mei.." he was delighted that finally, things were working in his favor and thanks to his new boss.

She drove back to the hospital and parked the car before walking into the VIP room, Wei Tang was resting with his eyes closed, she strode over closer and gazed at his neck closely, the birthmarks were of the same kind apart from the fact that Wei Tang's was a bit faded.

"What's the matter sis?" he inquired while his eyes stayed closed, he had felt a pang of sadness earlier on and just knew something was up, also her emotions were all over, he didn't need to look at her to know something was wrong.

"You will see tomorrow.." she mumbled hoarsely before she plucked a string of his hair from his head.

"Ye Mei, I hope you aren't planning to do something my mind is thinking of!" Wei Tang frowned lightly.

"Uh, what do you think I'm doing?" she gazed at him curiously while a sly smile was pasted on her face.