Chapter 167; Mrs Mu, you have a guest...

"Okay, send me the list, I will instruct one of the guards to bring them over... Can I talk to Wei Zhi Shu?" she had a new sibling and she wanted to cultivate their relationship.

"Okay, a minute.." he got up from the bed and strode into the living room, he found Bai Hua, not to look suspicious, he had to act like he didn't know where they were.

"Bau Hua, where is Wei Zhi Shi? Did they go outside? " he inquired sitting down on the chair.

"They are in the bedroom. Let me call him.." Bai Hua rushed to the door and knocked gently.

"A minute.." Bai Zhou Yun strode over to the door and opened it gazing at his brother.

"Wei Zhi Shi, your brother wants to see you.." he notified him as he strode back to the chair and went on with his things. Wei Zhi Shi strode over to where Wei Tang was sitting and sneakily eyed him...