Chapter 177; You don't need to do that...

"Ohh, I didn't see you in bed so I thought that you would be busy.." she softly mumbled.

"I'm fine, go and take a rest, tomorrow, we will think of a good school you can join.." keeping her busy was his plan, he didn't want to succumb to her seductiveness.

"But I don't want to go to school.." she pouted her glossy lips looking aggrieved, she didn't want to school it was not like she needed those certificates.

"You don't? You need those certificates..." he snorted at her while picking up the file that was on the desk, but then a small envelope fell out of it with the same seal.

Ye Mei wanted to make a drastic move and get hold of it but Mu Zhen was faster and he tucked it into the desk drawer before she could make up her mind.

"All right.." she eyed his face, he didn't look tensed or worried, the face was expressionless and his eyes were calm. What did this mean?