Chapter 186; Hey little brother...

She strode into Wei Tang's house and found Bai Hua lazing around on the couch enjoying some morning fresh juice.

"Wow, I want this kind of life! " she sarcastically remarked as she strode over to the kitchen to see if there was anything edible.

"Hehe, Missus, you are here..." Bai Hua got up immediately and tagged behind her as he went into to kitchen with his glass of juice.

"Yes, I'm..." She got a cup from the cupboard and prepared some coffee adding sugar, she didn't like the bitter taste.

"I wanted to talk to you about something I found out..." he spoke out eying her, her face didn't seem to be alright as usual.

"Okay, I'm listening..." She leaned onto the countertop and gazed at him while the cup of coffee lay in her left palm, Bai Hua who gazed at her noticed she was wearing such tiny shorts, her thighs were all out.

"But why is your face looking like that?" he noticed her skin color on the face was a bit off as if she was sick or something.