Chapter 198; Why should I let go?

"All right then... We will go home once that intravenous drip is done..." he relented as he talked to the doctor.

"It isn't an excuse right?" she mumbled while nibbling her lower lip, her misty eyes gazing at him adorably.

"Yeah it isn't an excuse, now take a rest..." he patted her head comforting her.

"Okay..." with the medicine she was injected with, she was feeling drowsy so she fell asleep, "Guard her..." he strode out of the VIP room to the doctor's office.

"Doc, how is her condition?" he inquired while standing, he knew how mischievous she was and if he delayed there a little bit longer, he might go back to an empty bed.

"Strange, I saw several blood clots around her body!" he spoke out getting the xrays and passing them to him.

"Are they serious? Would she be in any danger?" he gazed at the xrays and could see what the doctor was talking about.