Chapter 213; It's okay Mrs Mu...

What's with she can't sleep nor eat? Isn't she sleeping? Didn't she eat last night? So far he hadn't seen her act like what she was saying.

"Okay, I will find that person, so can you let go of my hand?" His voice was hoarse and raw, he tried to pull his hand away but her grip was tight.

"Honey..." she snapped her eyes open and gazed at him, inwardly she was smirking but her eyes displayed confusion.

"Mnnh, you are awake?" he gazed into those emerald green eyes that were sparkling, and she finally let go of his hand.

"Yeah, why are you up this early morning?" she softly inquired while rubbing her eyes groggily.

"What to do some gym, you want to join?" he stood up from the bed and Ye Mei scrutinized his entire body, the top he was wearing was tight and held his muscles from the shoulder blades to the waist.

She loudly gulped before closing her eyes, he was a walking temptation.