Chapter 220; It's our first time....

"Yes gramps..." she softly mumbled as she turned around to gaze at Bai Hua, "That's Bai Hua's brother, Bai Zhou Yun..." she introduced them, the entire family was still in the living room and listening to the news she was conveying.

"Oh that's nice, Mu Zhen, is the chopper around? We need to go sooner..." he turned around to gaze at Mu Shen who was eying Ye Mei with sadness.

"Father, why don't you take that trip another time? I don't think it would be good to do it now..." he mumbled as he played around with his prayer beads. He just didn't want Ye Mei to go anywhere.

"Will the same auction happen in days or a month? It's a one-time opportunity, so don't delay us..." he glared at him and Mu Zhen had to call the pilot instructing him on what to do.

"Gramps, let me get my suitcase over then we can go..." Ye Mei stood up as Mu Zhen tagged behind her and along the flower garden, Mu Zhen held her shoulders and drew her into his arms.