Chapter 224; There is a secret room in the Ye mansion.....

He opened the steel bars and got inside to see Ye Shu lying on the floor weakly.

"If you haven't fainted from hunger, then you are still good to go, you are still strong..." he sarcastically remarked eying her pathetic self.

Her hands and legs were tied up and all she could do was to lay or sit straight, now with hunger, she felt like her eyes had gone blind plus fire burning in her tummy.

" Please give me some food, I promise to cooperate..." she begged with her weak voice while eying at him pitifully.

"Food is what I don't have and Ye Mei has traveled without leaving any instructions for you, how about this, if you tell me something secret, I can give you food according to the weight it would weigh, what do you think?" he bent over eying her as he softly smirked.

" There is a secret room in the Ye mansion! " she weakly mumbled trying to sit up, since they weren't doing anything to rescue her, then she needed to survive on her own.