Chapter 251; Why are you in a hurry?

"I don't know..." he had just dragged her into his arms when the doorbell rang, Ye Mei hopped off the bed and rushed over to the door to open it. She was wearing a hotel sleeping robe.

She yanked the door open and came face to face with the waitress who was pushing a trolley carrying bowls of food, beside him, stood his brother Wei Tang.

"Wei Tang? What are you doing here?" she bypassed the waitress and jumped into his arms. Now she calls she didn't travel with Wei Tang over.

"How is your honeymoon going on?" He sarcastically inquired eying at her emerald sparkling eyes, which were innocent and alluring, her pink mouth pouting.

"Honeymoon? Who comes for a honeymoon in the States, but Hey, when did you get here? And why did you come over here?" she kissed his cheeks while querying a million plus one questions.

She didn't get down but rather wrapped her body around his like a koala while eying at his jaded eyes.