Chapter 284; I was just in awe....

They attached an intravenous drip with a drug that would add glucose into her body so that the body can break it down and be used to energize her.

They adjusted it but it wasn't moving, it was like the body had rejected any foreign material getting into her body, the shall drip-directing pipe was getting filled up with the dripping liquid without getting into her vein.

"What happened? Did you inject her the intravenous drip needle out of the vein?" The doctor queried gazing at the strange phenomenon, the nurse who immediately spoke up.

" No, I'm certain I injected the right vein... It seems like the vein has blocked or blood clots..." She hurriedly defended herself nervously. This could be the only reason why it was being like this.

Mu Zhen rubbed his hands together nervously, hearing that, he didn't know what was wrong with her body, he has never heard something like this happening medically.