Chapter 290; Don't be naughty Uncle...

"Is it that good?" He inquired curiously seeing at the rate she was drinking it.

"Yeah, it's at least edible compared to other soups..." She softly muttered while drinking the soup.

" Ooh, I had thought there was something wrong with your taste buds..." He sarcastically mumbled as she pinched his hand.

" Don't be naughty Uncle, this is someone's handwork, let's try and be appreciative of their effort..." She calmly responded as Bai Zhou Yun served them the food.

After making sure there was enough on the countertop, he sat down beside Wei Tang on the left side as Bai Hua was sitting on his right side.

"Okay..." He hummed as they began eating silently.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

In the Ye family mansion, Ye Tong and Ye Yan were done having their food, while staggering, they stood up and swayed upstairs to their rooms, they were tired and needed to reenergize their bodies with a good nap.

"Good night Ye Tong..." Ye Yan hoarsely mumbled strolling over to his bedroom door lazily.