Chapter 293; Good morning...

"Hehehe, do you expect me to cry? It isn't that serious man..." He roughly patted his shoulders before strolling over to the chopper that was cooling down.

He got closer to Ye Mei and gazed at her eyes before settling down beside her and holding her hand, she was deprived of energy and didn't know if it will be okay to transmit some from his body to hers but he wasn't gonna do it in front of Mu Zhen.

Mu Zhen walked over gazing at him wondering what he was doing to her apart from holding her hand but his posture felt weird and Wei Tang felt that sharp gaze directed at him.

"I think it's a problem of genetics, in that, it exists in our family, I don't know how to help her but I will at least partially fix the problem in the possible way I can...." He mumbled eying Ye Mei before gazing at him.