Chapter 338; Are you certain about that?

"No, it happened in seconds, nothing to worry about and that's why I decided to stay input..." She sweetly mumbled before secretly pinching Zi Jia, she knew her motive perfectly well. She wanted to pry more information using Mu Zhen.

"Are you certain about that? You do know that you are in the delicate phase..." Mu Zhen was worried and Ye Mei could see his eyes dripping with worries and sadness no matter how calm he looked.

She could tell her earlier unconscious state had really left a traumatic experience and he no longer assumed things.

"If I feel bad anywhere, I will report it to you immediately... Even if it's a slight headache, just anything... I will report it to you..." This was the only way to put his mind at ease.

"Hmmnhh..." He softly hummed calming down. After that experience, he didn't want to joke around.

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