Chapter 363; Sure, good night....

"Yeah...." He softly hummed smiling, maybe he had thought wrong, no matter how mature her mind was Ye Mei was still a baby at heart and yearned to be childish sometimes, she missed a lot in her childhood, and maybe he should let her be herself.

"Daddy told me to invite you over to the birthday party of Grandpa Su, I don't know if you have time...." Su Xuan mumbled playing around with the rim of the glass.

"Sure, we will come... I will talk to her and see if she would be okay..." He turned around and eyed the stairs even though he knew no one was descending.

"Okay, it will be at four pm, I have also invited all of you to come... It will be good with you guys around..." he hated those old men with so many parables and all the advice they gave speeches on.

"How is the company? Gotten better?" Mu Zhen eyed Wang Kang before gazing at Wang Liang... Their company was in a terrible position and because of Ye Mei, he hadn't had time to do a follow-up on them.