23>< If you come here, you'll die.


I was worried sick, reduced to a ball of nerves. It had been two days since Simone vanished and I couldn't stop blaming myself for everything. What were they doing to her? I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to her.

I would kill anyone who as much as touched a hair on her head. I ran a hand through my hair and tugged on it until my knuckles turned white. I was such a hypocrite.

Her sisters were deathly silent and awfully depressed. That just sunk my soul further, it was me that did this to them. I had to find her. I hadn't slept or eaten in those two days and I could feel the pressure of taking care of four kids. I had a new appreciation for Simone. We all just never saw it, but she was really strong.

A knife twisted in my heart and I had to bite down to keep from yelling or breaking something. I found out that she had been kidnapped by people in a black van, she had been wandering aimlessly, stuck in her own head and they'd used that to their advantage.