

......... About 21 years later .......

"Your mother is going to kill you." Lila said with a laugh as she stared at the three hypocrites in the living room trying to mop up the traces of their ventures.

"Oh just come help us." My youngest daughter, Ryan said.

At 18, she was 6 years younger than Lila and those two were like peas in a pod. It was entertaining to watch Lila be an adult after having taken care of her as a baby. She looked the most like Simone out of everyone else and she was the sauciest aunt.

"You're on your own you heretics." Mica added as she walked in and closed the door as well. "You know your mom doesn't tolerate trailing blood in the house, yet here you three are. what a bunch of idiots."

"Are you just gong to let her say that to us dad?" Ryatt asked though his tone held no hostility towards her.

He even went to play fight with Mica's young son, Ethan.