"Are you sure this is the right place?" Justin glances at Yoon who peers around in suspicion mode.

"According to the information, she's living here," says Yoon, pointing to the coordinate given in the file. He is definite that this is the right place. Although it seems ridiculous, he needs to accept the fact that it is what it is.

"You know what, this is a high-security prison," Justin voices up his concern.

"There's rather a lot of question than the answer. In order to answer those questions, we need to find her," says Yoon.

By now, all he needs is the answer. Especially, after he finds out that this lady and his DAD might have some connection. In all matters, whether in the past or with the recent attack.

"So, we need a plan. Remember, this is a high-security prison. A place where the government kept all the badass criminals with the gruesome record. You might find a serial killer, maniac, psychotic even rapist," Yoon gives Justin a soft reminder.

"What did you expect? This isn't a mall, senior.." he slurs a sarcastic response. That sort called old grandpa just smirks. They just met, but it feels like they are already close.

"Can I see the coordinate again?" Yoon clicks the screen again. Justin's fingers dance wildly on the screen until finally, he sees the exact coordinate.

"According to this coordinate, she is currently living.. or should I say kept... in the high tower on the west side of the building," says Justin.

"Looks like we need to climb. Geez!" again, Yoon sighs heavily. He is hopeless throughout this mission. Feels like he should just stay being an undercover agent.

"I can do it. I mean, the tower isn't that high.."

"It's almost as tall as a 15-story building, and you said it isn't that high?" Justin smiles widely while blinking his eyes, staring at Yoon.

Super Wolf definitely is a whole different level. Yoon agrees with the statement. He just can watch the boy grabs his backpack and pull out a pair of new boots and a climbing rope.

"Let's go find our Rapunzel!"

"Yeah... Yeah..." said Yoon before he starts the engine and drives his Humvee much closer to the target area.


They arrive at the west side of the prison. The wall outside is super high, Yoon can't even process the fact that how Justin will climb over the tower.

"Wolf, seems like you need to climb this first. Assume that this is your warm-up session,"

"I always need a warm-up starter. This will do," he jumps out of the Humvee with his new boots. He then carefully attaches himself with a hiking rope that he ties with a hook.

Then, he throws the rope across the high wall, yanks the rope a few times to ensure the rope can support his weight and the tension.

He then slowly climbs the wall. No wonder why he's full confidence. His boots aren't just ordinary boots. It's a special boot, made for climbing flat surfaces and walls. He invented the boots with York during his recruit day.

He himself couldn't believe that finally he will be able to use it. He wobbles at first, but when he manages to get his pace, he quickly steps on the wall, like walking on the flat bottom road. He manages to arrive within two minutes, plus-minus. Yoon can't help but feel awe looking at the young man.

Justin manages to settle himself at the top of the prison wall. He is almost this close to the other side of the wall when he notices a bunch of guns pointing towards him.


That's all that he can say.

Suddenly, a sound of alarm blasts all over the place. Things gets chaotic all of a sudden.

"Oh no!" says Justin. He freezes like a statue on the top of the prison wall.

From far, Yoon can see another vehicle slowly approaching them.

"Wolf, we gotta problem!" he screams at Justin with a huge voice.


The enemy shoots at Justin, making the young one shocks and run away. Startled by the boy's sudden act, Yoon speeds up, trailing him from below.

"Wolf!! Jump!! Hurry!!!" Yoon screams. Justin takes his deep breath and jump onto the Humvee. He takes out his gun from his side pocket and fires at the vehicle that chasing them. He grabs the back door of the Humvee with his right hand while his left hand is busy clicking the trigger.

"Hold tight!" says Yoon, turning the wheel to the left and right, avoiding the firing from the front.

Now, they pack like a sandwich with enemies at the front and the back. The humvee almost collides with the enemy when Yoon suddenly turns the car to the left side, facing the enemy and firing his special gun. They trap in the zap-like thunder which paralyzes them immediately.

Things gets clear at the front. Yoon continues speeding away.

"Senior, let me have that!" Justin pulls out his hand to reach the gun from Yoon. Yoon throws the gun to Justin. He gracefully grabs the gun and fires the enemy at the back.

"Woah!!" he grins when he watches the enemy rattles and shut down.

"Don't get excited, Wolf. It's just for temporary.."


"It's more like a stunning gun. But, it's quite dangerous for humans. They are alien. So.."

"At least we manage to escape," says Justin. He slowly climbs into the Humvee and settles at the back seat.

"Ah... I think you need to take those word back..." Yoon suddenly doesn't feel optimistic.


It's been a few days since the attack. She had enough of it.

Her room is quite special unlike the other cell. It has layers of protection, each using a special code, only several Black Knight agents knew. She assumes that all of the personnel were dead by now.

How did she know?

Right now, the enemy is approaching the last layer of her cell.

But, even with the code, it's hard to break into her room. It was supposedly made only for her to open and lock it. Open the door just like open her apart. That's why she tries her best to hold the key.

Sadly, she reaches her limit.

She packs her things in hurry, manages to grab few personal things; a flash drive, a small velvet box, and a picture of her mother. She stuffs them into her backpack. Then she slowly pulls out a huge box from under her bed.

A black box that fills with weapons.

She grabs a long, elastic rope from the box and ties one of its ends around her window grille, which is made of a tough hard solid iron. Only her room has a window, but a sturdy grille was installed, making it useless.

But, at this moment, she appreciates it so much!

"Think you can escape, just like that?" a voice breaches into her mind.

She shakes her head and tries her best to lock it. She's exhausted and thorn apart from blocking the door since day one.

She has no energy to fight.

"Think you can get me?" she asks the voice.

"You know sooner or later I will get you!"

"Well.. good luck with that!" she manages to cut the ties between her and the voice. She wears her suit and makes herself wearing a harness. She checks the gear and connects the rope to the gear.

Standby to jump.


A bunch of enemies with guns in the hand pointing towards her.

She waves her hand in the air.

"Have a good day.." then she jump. Fire arm blasting like crazy. She just fell down, her head down under, body straight like a log, swiftly went down from the tower. Alarm blasting indicates the prisoner just escape from the prison. In this case, the prisoner is her.

She feels like she almost down to the ground and quickly kicks the tower wall and tumbling down, safely landed. She ran fast with a blasting gun on her hand. Firing like crazy while running towards the front gate. But how to escape from here? Lots of enemies at the front gate.

Then, she sees a Humvee coming over, and a high tree. She come out with an idea.


"Geez... what now?"

"I don't know..." Yoon hold his steering tight.

"I guess there's only one way..." he shift the gear and let go the brake.

The Humvee speed hits till almost maximum. Justin closed his eyes tight and hold the front seat tight. Yoon screams his lung out, brace himself for a good collision impact when suddenly another Humvee flying out from the building and smashed the group of enemy. The Humvee then spinning around like a top, and stop. Someone came out from the Humvee, holding the injured hand.

"Look!" Justin points his finger towards the person. Quickly, Yoon speed up towards there.

"Take over the wheel, Wolf!" they shifting places. Justin jumps quickly to the front, while Yoon prepare himself to grab the person. Justin steps on the pedal then pull up the brake, making the Humvee doing a smooth silky drift so Yoon can help the person.

Yoon scoops the person in his embrace and look straight into the eyes.

He sees stars and galaxy surrounding him when they meet gaze. Some wonderful and magical image projects into his mind. There's a hum, like a lullaby. He feels like he being possessed, or hypnotize by the eyes. The hood suddenly fell from the person head, unleashed the face of a beauty and exotic look. That purple eyes looked at him, calm and mesmerizes.

"Senior!" Justin's scream put him back into reality. He immediately pull himself back into the Humvee. Justin speed up from the side, but the enemy still chasing them.

"Where now?!"

"Just drive. When I asked you to stop, you stop!" said Yoon. He looked at the injured person on his side. He quickly steps to the front, pull something from the dashboard and threw it out the window.

"What's that?!"

"Tracking device. Every military's Humvee has the tracking so we can situated the location of each and every single Humvee in the city," said Yoon. He went back to the passenger's seat. He tear his t-shirt's sleeve and try to tie the injured hand. She flinched and push his hand away.

"Friends okay? I just wanna help.." after a few moment, she let him help her. He slowly tie up the wounded hand.

She closed her eyes. Looks like she pass out already.

"Senior..." Yoon scoot himself to the front. There are two intersection.

"Take the left one," said Yoon.

Justin make a left turn. He drives at ease.

The sun rise slowly making the scenery looks beautiful and dewy. They can see a beautiful lavender and sunflower field. The place is unharmed, not even a bit. From far, they saw a cute but huge cottage.

"Welcome to Hidden Meadow," said Yoon, giving a pat on Justin's shoulder.