"I manage to find a different route to get out from here. I connect the route until reach a place called Central. It is a place where you can go anywhere, like a starting point. From there, there are four routes, one is to Cosmos City, two is to turn back here, three into the Dark Forest, and four to the harbor," they grab the map one each.

"Thank you, Admiral Finn, we appreciate it," says Yoon. The old man pats his shoulder.

"Take care of my son. That's all I asked," says him. Yoon nods, eyes focusing on Justin who is talking to his mother before they left.

"So, where do you think they keep Jein? Any idea, guys?" asks Cygnus.

"We need to find the clue, but first we need to stop by at one place.." says Sun, looking at Yoon.


"We need weapons. Lots of it.."

"Do we have enough now?" asks Byul. They were surrounded by weapons now.