Byul and Yoon take covers behind the quint jet's tire. They had no bullets left, so the best way is to take cover as long as they can.

He looks at her who patiently waits for any opportunity to escape. It is a hard journey for her. For him. For them too...

"Looks like we need to wait for quite a long time..." she looks behind the tire. The enemy still looking for them.

"Byul..." she turns her head, facing Yoon. He looks at her attentively.

"If we can't get out from here alive, I just want you to know that I love you so much," says Yoon. She just smiles at him.

"I know. And don't be stupid, we can get out from here alive!" she says as she ruffled his hair.

Moments later, some blasting sounds came from the weapon storage room.

"Yoon, look!!" Byul screams at him happily. They try to keep closer so they can join them.

"Aish!!" Yoon shriek as the blaster almost punched his forehead.