It was pitch dark. And chill, too. Silence. No sight of any creature around. Dark. Pitch black dark.

The quint jet stuck among trees. Smokes coming from the failed engine. One of the wings just fell off the body, broke into two. The other wing stuck at the branch, holding the jet so it won't fall to earth. More like slowing down the impact. Falling is so sure, anytime, any movement.

"Byul!!" Yoon opens his eyes. He sees nothing, but his unconscious mind got disturbed just now. He tries to turn around, checking on Sun. As he can remember, both of them were still in blaster seats during the crash. Luckily he didn't get stuck in his seat.

"Ugh.." he heard a grunt from behind.

"Sun.. are you stuck?"

"Uh.. no. I'm good," he response.

Yoon pushes the red button and the shield opens. He unbuckles himself and crawls outside. Sun did the same. They slowly slide down to the ground.