"Holland's girl couldn't be far.." says Mirmo. They were roaming around Dark Forest, looking for a little girl who got lost this morning. Since the Guardian joined the Moon Pack's rescue team, they were fully occupied with tracking devices and guns. Like they need them anyway! But still, not all of them were born as werewolves!

"Can you track her scent? I mean, that's your thing right?" asks Jein. Mirmo shakes his head.

"Usually, we will conceal the scent if we need to roam around this area to avoid any unwanted attraction," he replies as they walk along the path in the deep forest. There were three more werewolves who join this mission as well. Two of them walk at the back, one in the middle while Mirmo took the lead.

"You guys must be familiar with the surrounding,"

"Not all of us. Only me and Puff. The other two never step afoot in this area. But they are among the best tracker in the clan," says Mirmo.