Admiral Finn emerges from the control room as they informed him of a visit from the Moon Pack. Two men stand before him, bearing news.

"We have important tidings for you, Admiral," one of them speaks up.

"What is it?" Admiral Finn inquires, his gaze fixes on both individuals.

"The Guardian has discovered the Maze City—or rather, the entrance to it," they reveal.

"It appears our time has come. Tyler, summon everyone immediately! We must act swiftly," Admiral Finn instructs his assistant, who nods in acknowledgment.

"Guardian, await our arrival. We're on our way!"


"Is it just me, or does this alley feel farther than usual?" Yoon questions, voicing the collective exhaustion they all felt.

"It seems like we're trapped in an endless loop," Joon remarks, his attention drawn to the familiar craving on the wall. Fatigue had dulled their awareness of their surroundings.

"But how?" Yoon wonders.