First Term: The Pact

July's POV:

The last six weeks were something.

After the first two weeks of school, the teachers decided we had enough time to settle in properly, which in turn meant that classes got significantly harder. We got more homework and assignments. Some teachers started quizzing us on the last lessons stuff, and we had a few written tests too. To claim I was acing them would be highly exaggerated, but so far I at least passed all of them. Some of that was thanks to Tammy.

We soon found out that the other one was also quite decent at school overall. To our luck we pretty much were in opposite subjects sometimes, so we were able to help each other out while studying. I still had no idea how someone could be good at math though. Tammy was like a living calculator.

Maybe I was just not good at it though because a certain someone was actively distracting me, and wanted to sit beside me in math every time. Then again it would be a lie of me to say I didn't enjoy Vivian's company. We weren't like a couple or something. No dating and lovey-dovey stuff between us. But now and then she would pull me aside for a kiss between lessons. It was just making out basically.

Most of the time she took the initiative and started it out. I don't know why, but I did enjoy the fact she was taking control. She was always so demanding in her approach and never let me time to question it. She had this certain edge to her that just made me melt into her demands.

With more and more stuff needed to be done for school the past times also changed up a bit. Since I got my guitar with me now I was often using it to practice or try learning new songs. I sometimes did it just in our room, sometimes even out in the yard, while hanging with friends. It's not like I actively tried to fish for compliments, or was hoping to draw a crowd. More frequently than not I did get occasional requests though, or they sat down to listen while I was at it.

The only person who was always there was Tammy though. She listened and swayed to the music. She loved to listen to it while drawing. And her drawings were great. No matter if it was just a random flower sprouting from the grass in the yard, or a bird sitting up on a tree branch. I loved the picture she made of the gray squirrel living in the big tree outside. It showed it munching on a nut he found somewhere. He was chubby, and I called him 'fat Gus'. The amount of detail she put in every picture was insane. They almost seemed like photographs from time to time.

I cherished being around all the friends I made here. But there was still school and education was important after all.

But why on earth was Mr. Darkonte such a drill instructor?

We were running for at least an hour now, and he never let us stop. He wanted to build up our stamina or something. At least I wasn't suffering alone. I turned to look over at Tammy running beside me. Like the last two times, she was not looking back but staring at something in front of her. A very specific something.

"Earth to Tammy," I said with a grin.

"Huh? What?" she shook her head and looked back now.

"Don't start drooling too much," I smirked and nodded toward Dia running before us.

"Oh shut up." she turned away with a playfully annoyed face.

She did blush though.

"Come on. You're not very subtle about this. Just admit it and ask her out for the Halloween party already." I said with a smirk and an eye roll.

The party was topic number one at school currently. The headmaster announced that we would have a costume party in one and a half weeks. It was a school party so no alcohol and stuff, but we would have a shorter lesson plan that day and were allowed to dress up and use the gym to hang out and enjoy music and a buffet and just have an overall great time. I heard some people even were planning to take a date.

"Ha! Like you're one to talk." Tammy scoffed. "Except I missed the fact that you asked Vivian to go with you already."

"Why would I ask Vivian?" I returned and looked away trying to hide my blush.

"Please. You are even more crushing on her. And other than me, you already know she likes you similarly. It's just a matter of asking for you."

"We aren't dating Tammy."

She just shook her head, "That's your fault. You and she have made out a few times from what you told me. I bet she would happily agree to make things official."

She wasn't entirely wrong there. But I was a very shy person, so 'just asking' was hard. What if she didn't want to? What if I was annoying her?

"Well, I'm sure Dia would like to go with you too. You get along so well with her." I returned.

"Yeah, but being good friends and devouring each other's lips is a huge difference," she said again with a very unsure expression.

"We do not-" I wanted to object, but the look Tammy gave me and her raised eyebrow made me stop.

Maybe there was something to it.

Sitting in our dorm I was playing music softly while Tammy was scribbling on her drawing pad. I was close to having that song memorized now.

"July?" Tammy suddenly asked.

"Yes?" I answered and stopped to see her placing the drawing pad away.

"Do you think Dia would say yes to going with me?" she was kinda cute being so shy.

"Of course. Why wouldn't she?"

"Maybe she doesn't like me. I mean we do hang out a lot and stuff, but she has a boyfriend. What if I'm not her type at all, or she doesn't want to be open in the relationship as much as he wants it?"

Seeing her that down about it all made me feel kinda bad for her. I needed to convince her somehow. Else this whole thing with her and Dia might never work out, and she seemed to want that.

"I think you think too much about it. Just go for it. The worst you could get is a no." I said with a gentle smile on my face.

"Okay. But if that's the worst that could happen, why don't you ask Vivian?" Tammy asked and came over to sit beside me on the bed.

"I could never ask her. She kinda has this effect of making me feel so vulnerable, and I always feel insecure around her." I placed the guitar aside and rested my head on my knees.

"We suck at this dating game, huh?" Tammy said with a small chuckle.

"Guess so. It is a nuisance though." I remarked before sitting up. "You know what? Fuck this. We should not always be scared of it. This has to end."

"So we should just gonna go for it?" Tammy asked.

"Why not? Let's make a pact. You will ask Dia and I will ask Vivian for that party." I said and gave her a challenging smile.

"What if you get scared and back out? Then I'm the only one making a fool of me." Tammy said with narrowed eyes.

"Then how about this. If one of us chickens out that person will have to keep the whole room clean for a month alone." I put the bet out.

Tammy scowled for a moment before nodding, "You're right. If we need an additional push like that let's go for it."

She raised her pinky and I hooked mine against it. We both smile at each other.

At least I got her up and made her smile again. Now I just had to pull through the talk with Vivian. Great.

My heart was pounding like crazy right now. Tammy and I had just finished our dinner when Vivian entered the cafeteria with Veronica. As always there was a scene with her and Dia, but at this point, people barely reacted to that. My head was occupied by other stuff anyway. After we were done eating I urged Tammy to go for it with Dia once she found her alone. I on the other hand waited for Vivian to leave the cafeteria and go for a walk around campus. I knew she did that often since she asked me, well more like demanded me, to join her a few times.

Once she was out and walking around alone I swallowed hard and followed her. I was still contemplating to how exactly ask her when she rounded a corner. As soon as I did so, I walked into her leaning against the wall with her usual smirk.

"Stalking me, July?" she asked in an almost playful tone.

"No. Well kinda." I nearly stumbled over my words there.

Good start July. Great.

Vivian sauntered over and placed her hand against the wall beside my head. I backed up like I always did and felt trapped between her and the wall. This was the usual place I found myself in when I was all alone with her. She just had this presence that made me cower back and let her trap me. I didn't mind at all. I liked it. But to be honest it wasn't boosting my confidence.

"So. You caught up to me. What did you want from me?" she raised an eyebrow while still smiling this very seductive smile.

My eyes subconsciously traveled to her lips and back up, "Well I ... I wanted to ask you something."

The heat rising to my face told me I was likely blushing crimson at this point. She leaned in, and I could smell the intoxicating scent of her perfume. 'Obsession night' from Calvin Klein. It was my absolute favorite.

Her lips were so close to mine now I could feel her breath on mine, "Out with it July. Don't be shy."

That's easier said than done with a woman like you so close to me.

"It's ... It's about the Halloween party. The one the school's hosting the weekend after this." I started babbling.

"Yes?" she asked again and raised an eyebrow.

"I was ... I was wondering if you would like to go there with me." I stuttered out.

Vivian started laughing suddenly.

Is she laughing about me now? Is she serious? I have pushed myself to get it out of me and forced down my shyness to be laughed at.

My eyes closed and I blushed again. Though this time it wasn't out of being excited and flustered. I kinda felt humiliated and embarrassed.

How could I have ever thought she might like me back like that?

Before I could make up my mind I tried to turn and push away from her, but Vivian grabbed my arm and pinned me to the wall again.

"Look at me, July," she demanded.

My whole body was burning up from that touch alone, and I felt myself starting to tremble a bit. I did my best to hold back the tears when I looked up at her. Vivian rested a finger on my chin to tilt my head up and force me to look deep into her misty gray eyes.

"July. After the last weeks, I thought you and me going to that party together was a given. If I had known how nervous you were about that I would have asked long ago."

"Really?" I asked, and my lip started quivering.

"Really," she reassured me and wiped the water from one of my eyes.

"Gosh, I must look like the silliest person on earth right now." I playfully whined and wiped my face, mainly to hide my blush.

"Don't worry I find it kind of cute." Vivian joked and placed a kiss on my cheek.

After a few moments of us just standing there and me calming my rapid heart she spoke again, "Say ... do you already have a costume for the party?"

When I shook my head she began to smirk a little more deviously than she normally did, "Perfect. I want to get you something to complement mine. Here."

She held out her phone to me, "Type in your measurements and I will go shopping for you."

"My ... My measurements? Like all of them?" I asked with a very unsure voice.

"Everything I would need to get you a perfect fit," she said and winked.

I blushed hard again. For some reason standing here and typing my body measurements into Vivian’s phone made me feel so exposed. I mean it's not like she was taking them herself, but still, I was telling her a lot about me here.

After I was done she looked at her phone and looked over my body while reading, stopping for a moment at my chest, "Nice. I will get your costume to you before the party. I want it to be a surprise."

Should I be excited or scared now?

Tammy's POV:

This was it. I made that damn bet with July because I thought she would back out, but she followed Vivian to go ask her. Now I needed to hold up my part. I took a long breath and made my way over to Dia, who was currently sitting alone while sipping on a bottle of juice.

"Hey, Tammy. What's up?" she asked as I sat down beside her.

"Hey, Dia. Not much how about you?" I asked back.

"Not much either. Just enjoying the night air," she said while looking at the sky.

Good so far Tammy. Now just keep your cool.

"Cool. Say ... I wanted to ask you something."

"Shoot it," she said, not bothering to look at me again.

"The Halloween party. Would you like to go there with me?" I said quickly.

I wanted to get it over with quickly. Like a plaster. Rip it off in one go and the pain afterward won't be that bad.

"The party? Sure. Are you not going there with July?" she inquired and looked at me now.

I gave her a short puzzled look, and she explained, "I mean you guys hang out most of the time. Or does she have a date?"

"Well, she kinda does. But that doesn't mean-"

"No worries. You can join me and Lucy going there." Dia returned with a smile.

"Oh, that's-"

Wait. Her and Lucy? Like on a date? I didn't know they were that close. I mean I don't want to be the third wheel.

"It's okay if you want to go with Lucy. I would not want to intrude on that." I turned away very nonchalantly to hide my blush from Dia.

"Hey, you would not intrude at all. The more, the merrier. Besides, you are our friend. We would not want you to feel all lonely while everyone was partying hard." she said, giving me a slight nudge.

"Looking forward to it then," I said with a smile and stood up.

I yawned for effect and checked my watch, "I'm getting a bit tired here. Glad I caught you and was able to ask through Dia. Goodnight."

"Good night Tammy," she answered with a smile.

As I made my way toward the dorm I felt like punching a wall. This wasn't what I was going for. I wanted to ask Dia out on a date and now? Now I was going with her AND Lucy as just friends. This was so not the plan for this. Well, can't be helped now. At least I would not be sitting somewhere alone and could enjoy a nice evening. It could have been worse.