First Term: More Than Friends

July's POV:

When my alarm clock rang the next morning and I could not reach it, due to something weighing me down, I was shocked for a second. But remembering the night before I sighed happily and laid back down to look at Tammy. She was cuddled up close to me in my bed and clenched her eyes closed due to being annoyed by the noise.

Yes, we did decide to share one bed for that night. No, we didn't sleep in our everyday clothes. And no we didn't sleep nude either. We both were in our usual pajamas. After our little steamy make-out session, we went by our usual schedule. Taking showers, going for dinner in the cafeteria together, and brushing our teeth. All the usual stuff you do before going to bed.

One thing that was different from usual was hanging up the dreamcatcher above my bed though. I know it wasn't bad dreams that kept me awake that night. And I will tell Tammy so. But before I do, I want to be sure we are on the same page about where this is heading.