Second Term: Color Me Impressed

Zach's POV:

It was Seth's alarm that went off before mine. One look at my phone showed it to be about ten minutes earlier than mine, so I didn't mind. When I returned to my room yesterday however I was greeted by the sight of three people piled on one bed. Not that I did mind Amber and Ashley being practically naked anyway, but I could have gone without a naked Seth. Oh, well. Everyone should have fun I assume. And as long as he stuck to his half of the room to have sex I saw no problem with it.

All three of them did stir with the alarm too. Didn't look like the girls were under any real stress about me, a literal stranger, being in the room with them barely dressed. I even caught Amber staring, when I got up and stretched.

Or was it Ashley? Damn it's hard to tell with the twins.

As I started to dress she stood up too and smirked, "Nice tats stranger."

"Thanks. And feel free to call me Zach ..." I hesitated as I answered unsure about who was who.