AUTHOR'S WARNING: This chapter may contain really dark scenes, such as slavery, SA, and torture. Be warned, or read at your own risk.

The feminine cry caused Leonardo to become distracted and stop moving. When he turned around to see who was calling for his help, he found a beautiful, slim young lady who was bound to a table. She had blue eyes that framed her adorable face and delicate nose. Her long, straight brown hair was spread out across the table. Her hands were cuffed above her head and her legs were splayed on the four edges of the table, making it accessible for anyone to freely make use of her. She was naked in front of the men surrounding her, feeling so helpless and vulnerable.

Leonardo approached them, and the men surrounding the lady on the table parted ways for him to come close to her.

The lady felt relief; she thought Leonardo was going to save her from these men. "Please don't let them do this to me. I'm a virgin", she lamented bitterly.