"You remind me of Lucia". Matteo added, and Isabella's heart sank. He didn't seem to notice her change of mood.

‘Is he being serious?’ Isabella could feel tears welling up in her eyes, and she tried hard to hold them back. ‘Who does he think she is, anyway? Lucia’s replacement? Who knows if he imagined her to be Lucia while having sex with her’ she thought, and that got her annoyed. "I'm going home. Thanks for dropping me off," She said and stepped away from Matteo.

"I will walk you home", Matteo offered as he locked the car door and made his way toward her.

“No, thank you", Isabella answered, walking away from him.

"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you home?" Matteo asked.

"I said no, thank you!" Isabella half-yelled angrily as she walked away from him, but Matteo kept on following her from behind. That angered her, and she was trying as much as possible not to make it obvious.