It was already evening when the police men arrived at Ann's apartment after getting a report from the neighbors next door about Ann's hamburger being absent.

Ann's apartment was soon crowded with a group of people along with several media reporters that were carrying camera's to witness the crime scene.

The policemen broke the door open after several attempts to open the door. They stormed in immediately, with their guns pointed forward as they began to examine the cold room while they slowly entered.

They suddenly stopped when they came across a body on the floor, all covered in blood.

The sheriff leaned down to check the pulse of the man whether he was still alive. He lifted the man’s chin to feel for his Adam’s apple then slid his fingers in either side of the man's neck. He stayed silent for a while to feel his pulse. He felt the rhythmic throbbing under his fingers which was a sign that the man is still alive."Call the ambulance", The sheriff ordered one of the policemen trailing behind him before he stood up and resumed searching the whole place. "Go ahead and search everywhere", He turned and ordered the rest of his men. They all nodded and began to search everywhere for Ann's body.

"Sir, we found a gun close to this man's head", One of the policemen said when he spotted a gun close to the man's helpless body on the floor.

The sheriff turned to look at the body on the floor then took a picture of it,"Take it to the office for inspection", He ordered and the man nodded. "Also check the CCTV footage and take it to our office for investigation ", He said.

"Sir yes sir", one of them responded before he did as he was ordered.

"Sir, you should come see this", Another policeman said and immediately the sheriff traced him to the bathroom. "This is a case", He added as he stared at the bloody body in the bathtub.

The Sheriff walked towards the body who turned out to be Ann in the bathtub. He tapped her hand and immediately , Ann gasped out, breathing slowly as she struggled to open her eyes.

"Hang in there, I'll take you to the hospital", The Sheriff said before he stood up and turned to the man next to him. "Come on, let's go", He said as he lifted Ann's body from the bathtub and took her out of the bathtub then carried her out of his house.

Immediately the sheriff stepped out of Ann's apartment, The reporters rushed forward and began questioning him.

"Sir may we know what you found inside the room?"

"Yes sir please tell us"

"Sir may we know which body is in your hands?"

"This is a crime scene sir, tell us how you are going to deal with it as a cop?"

"Is she still alive?"

"Who do you think is the culprit behind all this sir"

"Move aside please!", The policemen demanded, pushing the reporters aside as they escorted the Sheriff out of the environment.

Immediately they made their way out of the crowd, the ambulance arrived and they took the bodies to the hospital.

The Sheriff ordered some of his men to follow the ambulance to the hospital while he stayed back to investigate the crime. He wondered who could be the culprit behind all this and who would want these two victims dead. He suspected that someone must have threatened the two victims to take away their lives, but who?

Since he had no answers to the questions pondering in his mind, he ignored the reporters who were trying to get some answers from him.

"Sheff, how long will it take for you to find the culprit?"

"Yes tell us"

The whole reporters were eager and desperate for answers to their questions.

``Sir", The woman who had called the cops forced her way through the crowd towards the sheriff. "Is everything okay?", She asked , staring at the man with concern in her eyes. She had called the police over when she heard the loud gunshot sound coming out from Ann's apartment. She was so scared that she had to summon the police present immediately.

"Madam, is it true there was a crime scene here?", The reporters rushed towards the woman when they recognized the woman to be the neighbors next door who was aware of the situation.

"I seriously don't know what happened but I swear I have nothing to do with this", The woman responded in tears. She just didn't want to be a suspect to the police and go to jail for a crime she didn't commit.

"You are coming with us madam, for questioning", The Sheriff made his way towards the lady who was surrounded by reporters.

"Okay sir", The woman said and followed the police without hesitation.

Ann's apartment was locked by the police to avoid the reporters from invading the house before they departed.

* * * * * * * *

In a luxurious hotel room, Dante was seated on the king size bed, holding a tv remote as he stared at the blank tv screen. He was patiently waiting for Silver to come out from the bathroom. He pressed a button and the tv screen turned on. It was a news station showing which he wasn't interested to hear. He was about to change the station but stopped when the door to the bathroom opened and Silver came out.

He turned to the door and glanced up and down at Silver. She was putting on a robe with her hair, freely resting down on her shoulder, all wet.

He licked his lips hungrily as he admired the woman standing in front of him. He couldn't just wait to devour her right now on the bed.

"Finally, it's about time", Dante said as he threw the tv remote away and took off his shirt. He stood up and walked towards Silver , leaning in to kiss her but she suddenly stopped him by pushing him back. "What's wrong?", He asked, confused but got no response. She stood there, speechless, staring blankly at the tv screen.

"Wait, is that Ann's apartment?", Silver pointed at the tv and immediately, Dante turned to look at the tv with a confused expression on his face.

"What are you talking about?", Dante frowned. Looking at the tv screen; it was a video of a female broadcaster on the screen with some group of crowds behind her.

"Two bloody bodies were found in an apartment. The police had no idea what happened or how it happened but the victims were said to be unconscious and were taken to the hospital. The neighbors who recognized one of the bodies said her name is Miss Ann hamburger. So whoever is related to her, should know she's in Saint Joseph hospital at this point, fighting for her life...", The lady on the tv spoke as a picture frame of Ann appeared on the screen.

Silver eyes widened in fear as a loud scream escaped her lips. "Oh my God is Ann". She scurried to the wardrobe, took off her robe and wore a red dress.

Dante who had no idea what was happening asked,"What's wrong? Who is Ann?". The face on the tv screen seems familiar but he wasn't sure where he had met the lady before but seeing Silver was familiar with her, he knew this could be a bad news. Without hesitation, he put on his shirt and grabbed his pants from the wardrobe and put it on.

Tears streamed down from Silver's eyes as she began to panic, wondering if Ann was still alive or who could be involved in this. She raced to the door, opened it and ran out of the hotel while Dante followed from behind.

"Where the fuck are you going Silver?", Dante yelled as he ran after her.

"There is no time Dante, Ann is in danger", Silver cried out. She got outside the hotel then boarded and entered taxis. "Saint Joseph hospital please", She said immediately Dante joined her in the taxis and locked the door.

"Sure ma'am", The cabman responded and zoomed off.

Dante pulled Silver into his arm and began to caress her hair as he consoled her. "Everything is gonna be fine", He reassured her even though he had no idea what was going on.