“Holy sh*t," muttered the driver as he spotted the lady on the road and swiftly slammed on the brakes.

The car screeched to a halt, narrowly avoiding a collision with her.

Ann could swear she saw death flash before her eyes at the sound of the car's close call.

“The fuck!" the driver growled once the car stopped. He was relieved that his car hadn’t struck her.

"Sir, you have to help me," Ann pleaded as she hurried to the passenger side of the car.

Opening the door, the driver stepped out, ready to scold her for her recklessness, but he paused as he laid eyes on her.

“You have to help me; some men are after me. I think they want to kill me," Ann reiterated, her tone urgent as the man stared at her, surprise evident in his eyes.

His eyes widened in disbelief. "Ann,” he whispered, recognizing the stranger pleading for help. It was the second time his seeing Ann.