“They took her away, and I lost trace of them," Marcus responded calmly.

“This is all your fault; if you hadn't hurt her, all this bullshit wouldn't have happened, and now she's kidnapped? Kidnapped, where, and how?

Are you even freaking kidding me or is this a prank?" She yelled at Marcus, who didn't open his mouth to say anything in defense. He just ducked his head and let the guilt overwhelm him.

“Silver!” Dante snapped at Silver. “Your friend is in danger, and you blaming him for what had already happened ain't going to change anything," he said firmly, and he was right. Seeing the truth in his words, Silver sighed, having no choice left. “Now just sit down and let's hear what he has to say before we can figure out what to do to save her," he added, and Silver reluctantly sat down before Marcus explained all that happened and how he had gotten the injury in his legs. He told them all what he knew and could remember, while they all listened intently.