The foxes and the wolves

Centuries have passed in peace with the Fox Clan domineering over the West and the Wolf Clan ruling the East. The lines have always been strict between the borders. Not even an inch of foot was set on the other side without permission.The rules were set crystal clear. The human world in between was the exchange place for trade and other official affairs. There were some rare ceremonial gathering between the two Immortal Clans . But they were numbered and happened after ages. There were no regular contact between the members of the two clans unless official or urgent. It was basically due to fear of the Law of the Land that forbade them from forming any sort of 'blood-ties' between the clans. It was no ordinary law. It was the law written on the Seal of Destiny and whoever dared to disobey, would be afflicted with a terrible curse that would haunt them for eternity. Even the people from the human realm were cautious enough to uplift and guard this law as nobody had forgotten the bloody massacre that had happened a few centuries ago. The horror was still fresh in the minds of the immortals and history of the humans.

The immortal hunters had been quick enough to tip the mortal king about the presence of this unforgivable law breaker. Not only that, he was informed that the Mirror of Knowledge has already detected manifestation of the curse in certain places of his kingdom. The situation was desperate. If he was unable to trace the defaulter, there would soon be immortals from both lands filling up his kingdom and the clashes they would engage in would be doom for the humans in the area. That day the scouts were almost able to catch up with the female around whom there were news that the curse was noticed. But at the nick of time she was kidnaped by someone belonging to the Imperial Fox family. This they could identify by the escape technique he used. This were now even more complicated. Was the Fox Clan responsible for this felony? And the question was why had the curse not manifested all at once. There were too many riddles.

News of the offence had reached both the clans as well. There was an atmosphere of rage, uncertainty and suspicion.

The situation was specially tricky at the Fox Clan as they were now being called in league with the offender. The king had called all his nineteen sons in his presence for this purpose. They all came in and payed their respect to their father and then took their respective seats.

"I believe you all are well aware of the situation about offence against the Law written in the Seal of Destiny? " The king asked.

"Yes father" replied the princes in unison.

"You might also be aware that our imperial family is being accused of being an ally of the offender? " He enquired.

"Father, it surely is a conspiracy" Said first prince enraged

"It sounds more like a rumor spread by those wolves" Put in the fifth Prince bluntly.

"But the espace routine was witnessed by the entire scouting team from the human world. Do you still belive the wolves might be behind it? " The king pressed.

There was silence in the room followed by whispers and each glaring the other.

"Precisely, my reason for calling you all here today was to ask you in person if anyone of knows or has seen anything unusual. I wanted to be sure that sons were not part of whatever is coming. I hope none of you have forgotten what happened centuries ago. We must work together, if need be, along with the wolves to eradicate this crime. Am I understood? "The king asked in a heavy, stern voice.

" Yes, father" echoed through the Hall of the Royal meeting place.