Anjana-The unknown

Unaware of the happenings in the parallel worlds, Mia was steadily advancing towards Lin's direction along with her new found companion.They were flying at a very high speed. Mia was thoroughly enjoying the ride as she leaned over to was the tiny movements of people and animals down below. The mansions appeared toy like. The landscape kept changing from trees to mountains to plains. Finally they were almost near the Forbidden Woods.

"Ahh! This is what a good flight feels like. Ahh! " Mia exclaimed stretching her back "even Lin did not take me for such a long ride ever. Yeah! Actually I should get back to him about this. Why didn't he? " She was talking to herself. Her companion was busy exploring the place with the curiosity of a little child. He looked around and kept touching here and there. Mia too had little knowledge about the place they were in.