Chapter 22

As the bustling halls of Oligarch's headquarters buzzed with activity, Marie and I found ourselves at the helm of a burgeoning empire. Surrounded by a team of talented individuals, each with their own unique strengths and perspectives, we worked tirelessly to steer our brand towards even greater heights of success."Adrien, have you seen the latest designs from the creative team?" Marie exclaimed, excitement dancing in her eyes as she waved a stack of sketches in the air.I smiled, the energy of her enthusiasm infectious. "Not yet, but I can't wait to take a look. Let's gather everyone for a brainstorming session."With a sense of purpose, we convened in the boardroom, the air crackling with anticipation as ideas flew back and forth. Each member of the team brought their own perspective to the table, their passion for the brand evident in every word they spoke.As we delved into the intricacies of our upcoming collections, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride in the talented individuals who surrounded me. Together, we were a force to be reckoned with, united in our mission to redefine the boundaries of luxury fashion.But amidst the professional camaraderie, there was an undeniable undercurrent of something more between Marie and me. As our eyes met across the table, a silent understanding passed between us, a shared acknowledgment of the bond that had blossomed between us."Adrien, can I speak with you for a moment?" Marie asked, her voice soft but determined.Curious, I followed her into her office, where she closed the door behind us with a decisive click. "What's on your mind, Marie?"She took a deep breath, her gaze meeting mine with unwavering intensity. "I know we've been focusing on work, but I can't shake the feeling that there's something more between us."A surge of emotion swept through me at her words, my heart pounding in my chest. "Marie, I feel it too. I've been wanting to tell you..."But before I could finish my sentence, the door burst open, and our COO, James, barged in with a look of urgency on his face."Sorry to interrupt, but we just got a call from Forbes. They want to feature you in next month's issue!"The moment shattered, the weight of our conversation dissipating as we turned our attention to the exciting news. But amidst the chaos of the moment, I couldn't shake the feeling that our relationship was on the precipice of something truly extraordinary.