Chapter 24

"Adrien, have you seen the latest numbers? Our expansion into the Asian market is paying off big time," Marie exclaimed, her eyes bright with excitement as she handed me a report.I grinned, scanning the figures with pride. "This is fantastic news, Marie. It's amazing to see how far we've come."But amidst the celebration, there was a dark cloud looming on the horizon – Stuart. Rumors had been circulating that he was back in England, drowning his sorrows in the bottom of a bottle."I heard from a friend that Stuart's been seen stumbling out of pubs in London, ranting about how he should have been the one to achieve success," Marie said, her voice tinged with concern.I sighed, a pang of sympathy tugging at my heart. "It's a shame he's let jealousy consume him like this. I always hoped he would find his own path to happiness."Meanwhile, across the pond, Stuart sat slumped over a barstool, the stench of alcohol clinging to him like a second skin. "Bloody Adrien," he muttered to himself, his words slurred with drink. "Thinks he's so bloody special, taking everything I ever wanted."The bartender glanced at him with pity, pouring another shot of whiskey with a shake of his head. "You might want to ease up on the drinking, mate. It's not doing you any favors."But Stuart waved him off with a drunken laugh. "I'll show them all. Just you wait and see. I'll make a comeback that'll put Adrien Swain to shame."As the night wore on and the alcohol flowed freely, Stuart's resentment simmered beneath the surface, fueling his determination to prove himself to the world.Back at Oligarch headquarters, however, our focus remained squarely on the future. And as we continued to chart our course towards even greater success