Chapter 26

The soft glow of candlelight bathed the elegant restaurant in a warm, golden hue as Marie and I sat at a private table tucked away in a secluded corner. The air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of gourmet cuisine, and the soft strains of a string quartet lent an air of romance to the evening.As we sipped champagne and savored each delectable course, I could feel the anticipation building in the air. Tonight was the night, the culmination of weeks of meticulous planning and anticipation."Marie," I began, my voice low and filled with emotion as I reached across the table to take her hand in mine. "From the moment I met you, you've been my partner in every sense of the word. Together, we've built something extraordinary, something that goes beyond mere business."She looked at me, her eyes shining with love and curiosity. "Adrien, what's going on?"Taking a deep breath, I glanced around the restaurant, ensuring that everything was in place. The waitstaff stood at the ready, a knowing smile on their faces as they anticipated the moment to come."Marie," I continued, my voice steady but filled with emotion, "will you do me the honor of becoming my wife? Will you stand by my side as we embark on the greatest adventure of all – a lifetime together?"Tears welled in her eyes as she nodded, her smile radiant with joy and love. "Yes, Adrien. Yes, a thousand times yes."And as I slipped the ring onto her finger, the restaurant erupted into applause, the other diners joining in our celebration of love and commitment. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty and magic of the evening, I knew that our future was brighter than ever before.