Chapter 28

The atmosphere in the boardroom crackled with tension as I sat rigidly in my chair, my fists clenched tightly in my lap. This meeting was more than just a formality—it was an opportunity to seize control, to assert my authority, and to finally exact the revenge I had been plotting for so long."

Adrien, Marie, thank you for joining us," my father's voice cut through the silence, his tone stiff and formal. "As you know, we've been considering the future of Delah Group, and we believe it's time for a change in leadership."

I exchanged a tense glance with Marie, her hand resting reassuringly on mine, her eyes silently urging me to keep my composure. But beneath the surface, a storm raged within me—a potent mix of anger, resentment, and a burning desire for retribution."

We understand the gravity of this moment, Mr. and Mrs. Swain," Marie spoke up, her voice calm but laced with a hint of steel. "And we're prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure the success of the company."

My mother's smile was strained, her eyes betraying a flicker of guilt. "We have every confidence in you, Adrien," she said, her voice barely concealing the weight of her own regrets. "

We know that you'll lead Delah Group with integrity and vision."But as the discussion turned to the logistics of the transition, I found it increasingly difficult to focus. The anger that had simmered beneath the surface for so long threatened to boil over, consuming me in its fiery embrace.

And then, in a moment that felt like an eternity, the transfer of ownership was complete. As I stood before the board, accepting the mantle of leadership with a mixture of defiance and resignation, I felt a surge of conflicting emotions wash over me.

"Thank you, Mother, Father," I forced the words through gritted teeth, my voice thick with emotion. "I'll do whatever it takes to ensure the success of Delah Group."

And as I took my seat at the head of the table, surrounded by the trappings of power and influence, I knew that this was only the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. With Marie by my side, I would forge ahead, navigating the treacherous waters of corporate intrigue with a steely resolve tempered by forgiveness and nuance.