Chapter 31

As the merger settled into place, and the whirlwind of corporate affairs gradually subsided, my focus shifted to a task of a more personal nature—designing Marie's wedding dress. It was a project that filled me with equal parts excitement and trepidation, for it was not merely a garment but a symbol of my love and devotion to her.

With a sketchpad in hand and a heart brimming with inspiration, I set to work in my private studio, pouring over fabrics and silhouettes, each stroke of my pen a testament to the depth of my affection for her.The design took shape slowly, meticulously, as I sought to capture the essence of Marie's beauty and grace in every detail. I envisioned cascading layers of silk chiffon, delicate lace appliqué adorning the bodice, and a flowing train that trailed behind her like a shimmering waterfall.

But it was the subtle touches that truly made the design come to life—the hand-embroidered motifs that held special meaning to us, the intricate beadwork that sparkled like stars in the night sky, and the gentle curve of the neckline that framed her face with ethereal elegance.

As I worked, lost in the rhythm of creation, my thoughts drifted to Marie—to the way her eyes sparkled with laughter, the warmth of her smile, and the gentle touch of her hand in mine. With each stitch, I poured my love and adoration into the fabric, weaving a tapestry of affection that would envelop her like a tender embrace.

And when at last the dress was complete, I stood back and admired my handiwork with a sense of awe and reverence. It was more than just a garment—it was a reflection of the love that bound us together, a tangible expression of the depth of my feelings for her.As I imagined Marie walking down the aisle in the gown I had created, a swell of emotion rose within me—a mixture of pride, joy, and overwhelming gratitude. For in that moment, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as we faced them together, our love would endure, steadfast and true.